DA-12138 - U.S. - Version 23 - February 6, 2006
Non-operating 40,000 ft (12,192 m)
Bluetooth Profiles
(with Bluetooth for Windows 4.0 software)
Serial Port Profile (SPP)*
Dial-Up Networking (DUN)*
Generic Object Exchange Profile (GOEP)
Object Push Profile (OPP)*
File Transfer Profile (FTP)
Synchronization Profile (SYNC)
Hard Copy Cable Replacement (HCRP)*
Personal Area Networking Profile (PAN)*
Human Interface Device Profile (HID)*
FAX Profile (FAX)
Basic Imaging Profile (BIP)
Headset Profile (HSP)
Hands Free Profile (HFP)
Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)
indicates the profile is also supported by Microsoft Windows XP SP2
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