5 Power-On Self-Test and Error Messages
Order in Which the Tests are Performed
52h Test keyboard
54h Set key click if enabled
56h Enable keyboard
59h Initialize POST display service
5Ah Display prompt “Press F2 to enter SETUP”
5Bh Disable CPU cache
5Ch Test RAM between 512 and 640 KB
60h Test extended memory
62h Test extended memory address lines
64h Jump to UserPatch1
66h Configure advanced cache registers
67h Initialize Multi Processor APIC
68h Enable external and CPU caches
69h Setup System Management Mode (SMM) area
6Ah Display external L2 cache size
6Ch Display shadow-area message
6Eh Display possible high address for UMB recovery
70h Display error messages
72h Check for configuration errors
74h Test real-time clock
76h Check for keyboard errors
7Ah Test for key lock on
7Ch Set up hardware interrupt vectors
7Eh Initialize coprocessor if present
80h Disable onboard Super I/O ports and IRQs
POST Routine Description