6 Using Spreadsheets for XP External Storage Operations
This chapter contains the following sections describing how to use spreadsheets, instead of the
Remote Web Console GUI, for XP External Storage operations.
• “Introduction” (page 101)
• “Before Using Spreadsheets” (page 102)
• “Available Types and Operation Tags” (page 102)
• “Saving Storage System Information” (page 103)
• “Mapping External Volumes” (page 106)
• “Example of a Spreadsheet” (page 117)
To map external volumes, you may want to use spreadsheets instead of the Remote Web Console
GUI. For example, when you want to map many external volumes at a time, using spreadsheets
shortens the operation time compared to when using the GUI. You can import spreadsheets directly
to the storage system using CFL Extension.
Figure 39 (page 101) describes the work flow when you use spreadsheets.
Figure 39 Work Flow for Using Spreadsheets
This chapter describes how to write to spreadsheets as shown in Figure 39 (page 101). For detailed
information about the other operations, see the HP StorageWorks XP24000/XP20000 Remote
Web Console User Guide.
Introduction 101