WARRANTY CARD, back - 56 -
Projection TV
Limited Warranty Registration
(For your record - Attach sales receipt to this card)
Model no.
Serial no.
Dealer Name
Date of Purchase
Dealer Address
FYI Only!!!
We have had many callers tell us the magic focus feature did not converge their sets properly. If the
caller complains the Magic Focus feature is not working, follow instructions below, then see "Technical
Survey" in HP02.
To Manually Converge the Set:
Press and hold in the Magic Focus button until "Static Mode" appears on the screen, then release the
button. Two lines should divide the screen into four sections. We can now manually adjust our red and
blue color guns. Using the blue arrow keys on the remote control, move the blue and red lines up, down,
left, and right to make the vertical and horizontal line as white as possible. You can only adjust on color
(red or blue) at a time. To switch from one to the other, press the enter button. When finished, press
The manual states these settings begin on page 43. They actually start on page 42 and continue to page
FYI Only!!!!
Several of Hitachi's projection televisions had multiple problems with the closed captioning feature.
The closed captioning would sometimes appear even though the feature was turned off. In other cases
alphanumeric captioning would appear in the upper left hand corner of the set. (not to be confused with
the channel labeling. Please see "Techniacal Survey" in HP02.
Callers will normally have the problem of erasing a labeled channel. Everytime they select "Channel
Caption" to delete a label, a message appears explaining that the memory is full. This means the
channel they are currently tuned to is not labeled, therefore cannot be canceled. The set assumes they
want to label this channel. Ask the caller to tune to a channel that is labeled then select "Channel
Caption" to cancel the labeling.
You can always either lock or unlock any one of the four channels using code "777", regardless of
what the key number actually is. Code "777" will always lock or unlock each station.