Mode 12
Follow the steps on page 20 to enter the Function menu and
select the Multi Picture option, then enter the Multi Picture
menu and select the CH Surf option as shown on the right.
Press the ŻŹ cursor buttons to set the CH Surf option to
mode 12, then exit from the menu.
ƽIn normal TV mode, press the CH SURF button to enter
mode 12(12-picture) as shown below.
The 12 pictures will rotate to refresh individual program
after a few seconds starting from the program No.0 except
for those skipped program. If the preset channels are less
than 12, it will display the actual number of searched
program. If the preset channels are more than 12, use the
Page up/down buttons to select the next group of
ƽIn this mode, you can press the ŸźŻŹ cursor buttons
to select one of the pictures, and the program No. of the
selected picture will turn from white to green. If you press
the ENTER button to quit, the selected picture will fill the
entire TV screen.
ƽIn this mode, directly entering the program No. by using
the number buttons will quit this mode, and the selected
picture will fill the entire TV screen.
ƽIn this mode, there will be no signal output from the
speakers, the headphone jack and the monitor out
ƽIn this mode, press the CH SURF or the RETURN button to quit. If you enter the menu by pressing the
MENU button, it will exit from this mode.
ƽIn this mode, the A/B, SWAP and POSITION buttons are invalid.
The Strobe function is as shown below.
Follow the steps on page 20 to enter the Function menu and select the Multi Picture option, then enter the Multi
Picture menu and select the Freeze option. Press the ŻŹ cursor buttons to set the Freeze option to Strobe, then
exit from the menu.
ƽIn normal TV mode, press the FREEZE button to enter the mode 12 automatically. The 12
picture will
display the current active program. The other 11 pictures will display the continuous freeze frames of the TV
program captured at the moment you press FREEZE. This function is not valid for all input signal formats.
Not Available appears, it is invalid.
ƽIn this mode, you can quit by pressing the RETURN or the FREEZE button.
ƽIn this mode, you can enter the Audio menu to perform the adjustment. However, if you enter other menus such
as Picture, it will exit from this mode.
ƽThe monitor out terminals will output the video and audio signals from the current active program.
ƽIn this mode, the A/B, SWAP and POSITION buttons are invalid.
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