You can read the instruction manual using either of
the following procedures:
• Open the PDF file in
DVDMASE 3\manuals\English folder
contained on the provided CD-ROM.
• After installing DVD-MovieAlbumSE, open
“Programs”or “All Programs” from the
Windows “Start” menu, choose “Hitachi
DVDCAM” and “DVD-MovieAlbumSE”, and
then open “On-line Manual”.
To read the above manual, you will need Adobe
Acrobat Reader.
If Adobe Acrobat Reader has not been installed in
your PC, start AcrobatReader\English
\AR500ENU.exe on the provided CD-ROM to
install it.
• After installing MyDVD, open “Programs” or
“All Programs” from the Windows “Start” menu,
choose “Sonic” and “MyDVD”, and then open
the electronic instruction manual in “Document”
To read the above manual, a Web browser (Internet
Explorer, Netscape Communicator, etc.) must be
set up in your PC.
If you cannot open the electronic instruction
manual of MyDVD, consult the maker of your PC
about the setup method for Web browser.
●UDF driver (DVD-RAM driver)
• After installing the UDF driver (DVD-RAM
driver), open “Programs” or “All Programs”
from the Windows “Start” menu, choose “DVD-
RAM” and “DVD-RAM Driver”, and then open
“How to use DVD-RAM disc”.
No electronic instruction manual is provided with
the USB driver.
Although the above software programs can be used on
98, Windows
98 Second Edition or later is
neededto fullyutilizeallfunctions ofDVD-MovieAlbumSE.
Read the electronic instruction manuals (on-line manuals) on PC for complete information on using each
software program.