1 Set the power switch to
“POWER OFF” to turn the
DVD video camera/
recorder off.
2 Press down the DISC
EJECT button once and
release it.
In a moment, the cover of
disc insertion block will
open slightly.
3 Gently open the cover until
it stops.
When the cover is fully
open, the disc will slightly
come out from the disc
guide, and stop.
4 Remove the
Hold the top
of Round
Holder as
shown in the
illustration and gently pull it out.
Be careful not to touch the disc exposed portion when
removing the disc.
5 Gently push the section
indicated “PUSH CLOSE”
on the cover of disc insertion
block, to close the cover.
• Itis recommended thatyou turn theDVD videocamera/
recorder off when inserting or removing disc, in order to
prevent faulty operation.
• Evenafterthe DVD videocamera/recorderis turnedon,
the disc can be removed unless it is in recording status.
Hold down the DISC EJECT button for approximately 2
seconds, and then release it to remove the disc. (The
DISC EJECTindicator onthe LCDscreenwill blink.)Itis
recommended that you turn the DVD video camera/
recorder off before inserting orremoving disc toprevent
• Donotdetachthe batteryorAC adapter/chargeruntil the
DVD video camera/recorder is completely turned off.
• Donot insert anything otherthan the8 cmDVD-RAM or
DVD-R disc into the disc insertionblock: Doing socould
cause malfunctions.
• Set the power switch to “POWER OFF” to turn the DVD
video camera/recorder off.
• When inserting or removing the disc, be careful not to
touch the inside of DVD video camera/recorder
(especially, the lens of laser pickup).
• Wheninserting orremoving thedisc, connect acharged
battery orAC adapter/charger tothe DVDvideo camera/
recorder: The disc cover will not open unless the DVD
video camera/recorder is powered.
Hold disc
around this