Intelligent Terminal Listing
Intelligent Inputs
Use the following table to locate pages for intelligent input material in this chapter.
Input Function Summary Table
Symbol Code Function Name Page
FW 00 Forward Run/Stop
RV 01 Reverse Run/Stop
CF1 02 Multi-speed Select, Bit 0 (LSB)
CF2 03 Multi-speed Select, Bit 1
CF3 04 Multi-speed Select, Bit 2
CF4 05 Multi-speed Select, Bit 3 (MSB)
JG 06 Jogging
DB 07 External DC braking
SET 08 Set (select) 2nd Motor Data
2CH 09 2-stage Acceleration and Deceleration
FRS 11 Free-run Stop
EXT 12 External Trip
USP 13 Unattended Start Protection
CS 14 Commercial power source switchover
SFT 15 Software Lock
AT 16 Analog Input Voltage/Current Select
RS 18 Reset Inverter
PTC 19 PTC thermistor Thermal Protection
STA 20 Start (3-wire interface)
STP 21 Stop (3-wire interface)
F/R 22 FWD, REV (3-wire interface)
PID 23 PID Disable
PIDC 24 PID Reset
UP 27 Remote Control UP Function
DWN 28 Remote Control Down Function
UDC 29 Remote Control Data Clearing
OPE 31 Operator Control
SF1~SF7 32~38 Multi-speed Select,Bit operation Bit 1~7
OLR 39 Overload Restriction Source Changeover
TL 40 Torque Limit Selection
TRQ1 41 Torque limit switch 1
TRQ2 42 Torque limit switch 2
BOK 44 Brake confirmation
LAC 46 LAD cancellation
PCLR 47 Pulse counter clear
ADD 50 ADD frequency enable
F-TM 51 Force Terminal Mode
ATR 52 Permission for torque command input
KHC 53 Clear watt-hour data
MI1~MI7 56~62 General purpose input (1)~(7)
AHD 65 Analog command hold
CP1~CP3 66~68 Multistage-position switch (1)~(3)
ORL 69 Limit signal of zero-return
ORG 70 Trigger signal of zero-return
SPD 73 Speed/position changeover
GS1 77 STO1 input (Safety related signal)
GS2 78 STO2 input (Safety related signal)
485 81 Starting communication signal
PRG 82 Executing EzSQ program
HLD 83 Retain output frequency
ROK 84 Permission of Run command
EB 85 Rotation direction detection (phase B)