Video output connection
Connect the video output of the camera to the video input of a
monitor or other equipment. When using a “loop through”
connection of two or the more monitors, set the 75Ω switch of
only the final monitor to ON.
Determine the type of cable according to the distance of the
connected equipment. The maximum cable lengths indicated
below are recommended for avoiding appreciable picture
3C-2V ・・・・ 150m
5C-2V ・・・・ 200m
7C-2V ・・・・ 300m
10C-2V ・・・・ 400m
Set the 75Ω switch of only the final monitor to on.
Set the 75Ω switch of other monitors to off.
Monitor 1
Monitor 2
Monitor 3
75-ohm coaxial cable
Use an auto iris lens having a plug pin arrangement conforming to EIAJ (Electronic Industries Association of Japan)
This camera is using a CCD that has sensitivity in infrared region ( from 700 to 1000nm ).
Please select a lens for use from the following recommendation lens table.
Type Lens model Specification Lens mount Lens switch
12VG412ASIR 4.0~12.0 mm F1.2~360 C-mount
12VG1040ASIR 10.0~40.0 mm F1.4~360 C-mount
DV5×3.6R4B-SA2 3.6~18.0 mm F1.8~360 CS-mount
Auto iris 1/2
HG3Z4512FCS-IR 4.5~12.5 mm F1.2~360 CS-mount
If another type of lens is used, it may detract from camera performance or there may be difficulty is attaching the lens.
When procuring, be sure to specify the EIAJ compatible plug.
Recommended lenses
External power supply connection
Use a stabilized 12 VDC(±10%) power supply rated at 2.5
ampere or greater. Wire the accessory 3-pin DC plug as
shown in the figure for connecting the power supply to the
Be sure to confirm proper polarity before switching
on power.
DC input connector