L100 Inverter
Drive Parameters
Programming with the DOP Plus
The screen arrangement is similar to the
inverter keypad. Additional buttons Read
EEPROM and Write EEPROM let you
upload or download parameter settings.
After doing a Read EEPROM, all the
inverter’s parameter settings will be accessi-
ble in the scrollable list box. Just double-
click any parameter to begin editing.
It is important to understand that the way
you reference parameters with the DOP Plus
is different from the inverter keypad and
display. The inverter must use a simple code to identify a parameter, while all the remote
terminals and the DOP Plus software have multiple-character capability. Therefore, the
software uses more complete parameter names and a different numbering system to
index (reference) the parameters. The tables in this chapter list the parameters in the
sequence of the inverter keypad, with a cross-reference to the Digital Operator Panels
and DOP Plus software parameter names in the right-most column. The diagram below
shows a table from this chapter and the DOP+ parameter name cross-references.
TIP: We recommend choosing a particular programming tool at the beginning of your
inverter configuration project. Avoid switching programming tools until you become
familiar with most or all of the inverter parameters.
The DOP Plus software comes with an instruction manual. Please refer to that manual
for details on how to establish communications with the inverter from your PC, and how
to edit, upload, and download parameters. See Appendix B for DOP monitor and
function tables.
DOP function code and name
Parameter tables in this manual
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