2- 2
Trip contents
Remedy, advice
Instant power failure
If Instant power failure 15ms or more happened, INV
will shut the output. If the instant power failure is longer
than preset allowable time or affordable control supply
voltage time, INV will work as normal power off. This
means INV will re-start with the run command after the
long instant power failure.
Any incoming AC V drop
No contact failure in MCB,Mg?
Over heat detection
If main circuit temp. was exceeded specific level such
as high ambient temp., fan failure, INV will shut the
The temp. is detected at heat sink over 100 Celsius.
Any cooling fan failure, disturbance of
the cooling such as dusty fin.
Installation vertical
Ambient temp. high
Gate array(INV domestic
If there was any communication error between micro
processor and gate array, or if gate array can’t detect
IGBT’s turn on/off such as IGBT failure.
Any big noise near the INV
Any IGBT failure
Connection of flat cable/ribbon cable
Input phase failure
If one of incoming 3 phase voltage was missed, INV will
shut the output if the detect function was preset.
The detection delay is about 1 sec.
Any missing phase
No contact failure in MCB,Mg?
IGBT over current
detection (equivalent as
power module)
If instant over current happened between INV and the
connected motor, INV will shut the output.
Under this INV trip, the detected phase is possible to
refer at d105 display.
Even retry function is preset, INV can not retry after this
Short circuit or earth contact (ground
fault) in the motor or the motor cable
Any IGBT failure
Any loose connection on main circuit
such as power board
If motor over temp. happened by integrated thermistor’s
resistor value in the motor, INV will shut the output.
Check the motor temp.
Any thermistor failure in the motor
Any noise in the thermistor signal
Brake error (customer’s
After INV output brake release signal, INV couldn’t
detect brake on/off within b124(waiting time for brake
operation. (if b120(brake control switch) was preset
Is the brake working ON/OFF
Preset B124 too short
Brake signal/connection OK
Option board 1 error 0–9
Detection of connected option card 1. For more details,
refer to the instruction manual of the card.
Make sure the connection of the card
1 Make sure if the usage is proper
Option boad 2 error 0-9
Detection of connected option card 2. For more details,
refer to the instruction manual of the card.
Make sure the connection of the card
2 Make sure if the usage is proper
Power off/ waiting from AC
incoming voltage recovery
Stand by condition because of low DC bus voltage such
as power off, INV will shut the output.
The detection level is same as under voltage trip.
Any incoming AC V drop
No contact failure in MCB,Mg?
Check the DC bus voltage
Perform above adjustment referring to
d102, so that the DC bus voltage does
not exceed the trip level.