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• Removable parts may be rinsed with water.
For cleaning the refrigerator, wipe the refrigerator
with a damp cloth or sponge. Mild soap may be used.
• If soap is used, rinse the refrigerator thoroughly
with water and wipe it dry.
•Never use a hard brush, harsh, abrasive cleansers,
heavy-duty cleansers or solvents, such as paint
thinner, benzene, petroleum, soap-power, hot
water, acid, etc. on any surface.
Water splashed on the refrigerator will damage the
insulation of the electric parts or rust the metal parts.
(1) Do not splash water on the refrigerator, even
when cleaning it.
(2) When cleaning electric parts or such as
wring the cloth or sponge well.
Refrigerator can be moved easily by setting leveling legs
on the upper side. Cover the floor if it is apt to be
scratched. When refrigerator is to be moved while
inclined perform the following to prevent water in the
water tank, ice tray and/or evaporating pan from spilling.
1. Remove water from water tank and also remove
ice from ice tray.
2. Remove water tank and slightly open freezer
compartment (upper side).
3. Press the switch (see page 13), and close the
freezer compartment quickly. (Water or ice will
drop into ice cube box.)
Wait for about one minute and open freezer compart-
ment and remove water or ice from ice cube box.
5. Disconnect the power plug.
6. Take out all food inside refrigerator and remove
water from evaporating pan.