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8. Ice cannot be made:
• Is the water tank set correctly?
• Is there water in the water tank?
• Did you set “Temporary stop of ice-making” or
“Stop of ice-making”?
• It may take about 24 hours to make ice, if
freezer is not cool enough, such as on the first
time of use.
•Was the door left open?
• Is something such as food, other than ice
placed on the inner side of partition plate in
the ice cube box?
9. Amount of ice being made is too small:
• Did you open/close door numerous times?
• Did you put too much food in the refrigerator?
• Did you set “Temporary stop of ice-making” or
“Stop of ice-making”?
10. Ice smells bad:
• Is water in the tank old?
• Is the water tank or water filter dirty?
• Is strong-smelling food in the refrigerator
without wrapping?
11. Ice cubes are melted or too small:
• Did you open/close door numerous times or
leave door open for a long time?
• Is the power plug disconnected? Did a power
failure occur?
•Have ice cubes been left stored for a long
time? If left for a long time, ice cubes may
change shape, get stuck to each other.
12. Ice cubes are stuck to each other:
•This may occur if ice cube box is filled with ice
If the refrigerator does not perform satisfactorily even
after the above points have been checked, contact the
store from which you bought the refrigerator.
Refrigerator has heaters for defrosting etc. and so,
should the defrost thermostat have a trouble, the
inside temperature. At that time, unplug the refrig-
erator before contacting Hitachi Service Centres.
• When the refrigerating unit stops, the flow of the
refrigerant may make a sound. This is the sound
of the refrigerant flowing in the refrigerating unit.
• The mullion bar between the vegetable compart-
ment and the freezer compartment is warmed by
hot gas pipe. It will sometimes feel warm. But do
not worry about stored food.
• Electronic parts which has moving contact point
are installed this refrigerator. So you will some-
times hear their sound.
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