SJ100 Inverter
Drive Parameters
Output Function Summary Table – This table shows all six functions for the logical
outputs (terminals [11], [12]) at a glance. Detailed descriptions of these functions,
related parameters and settings, and example wiring diagrams are in “
Using Intelligent
Output Terminals” on page 4–24.
Output Function Summary Table
Function Name Description
00 RUN Run Signal ON when inverter is in Run Mode
OFF when inverter is in Stop Mode
01 FA1 Frequency Arrival
Type 1 – Constant
ON when output to motor is at the set frequency
OFF when output to motor is OFF, or in any accelera-
tion or deceleration ramp
02 FA2 Frequency Arrival
Type 2 – Over-
ON when output to motor is at or above the set
frequency, even if in accel. or decel. ramps
OFF when output to motor is OFF, or at a level below
the set frequency
03 OL Overload Advance
Notice Signal
ON when output current is more than the set thresh-
old for the overload signal
OFF when output current is less than the set threshold
for the overload signal
04 OD Output Deviation for
PID Control
ON when PID error is more than the set threshold for
the deviation signal
OFF when PID error is less than the set threshold for
the deviation signal
05 AL Alarm Signal ON when an alarm signal has occurred and has not
been cleared
OFF when no alarm has occurred since the last
clearing of alarm(s)