Refer to [Chapter 3 OPERATION] in the instruction manual for the SJ300 inverter before
operating with this board. When the operation command is given from the terminal side of the
inverter main body, operate with the following procedure.
1. Turn ON the POWER switch of the inverter.
2. Set the control method (A044) in [05].
3. Set the necessary items according to the instruction manual "Chapter 4 FUNCTION
EXPLANATION" of the inverter main body.
4. For speed control, operation is started when operation command of the inverter main
body is turned on.
5. For position control, turn on the STAT terminal of SJ-FB and operation command of the
inverter main body first of all. Next input the pulse train position command to
SAP-SAN and SBP-SBN. Then the motor turns only the pulse that you input.
Confirm the following while trial operation.
The motor accelerates normally.
The motor rotates in the correct direction.
Neither abnormal vibration nor noise is recognized in the motor.
If the motor doesn’t accelerate normally or the inverter trips with overload, check the encoder for
phase order. The normal phase order is that the waveform of phase A advances by 90° than that of
phase B when the motor rotates forward.
(Note 1) : The monitor signal may not be output from FM terminal of inverter main body under
vector control with sensor (A044=05). Please confirm the monitor output in this case.
(Note 2) : Please do not do the free run action by "RS terminal" of inverter main body. When you
do this action, over current trip, or power element destruction may occur. Please use
"FRS" the terminal when performing free run action.
(Note 3) : If the torque limit setting (b041-b044) is enlarged, over current trip would occur at the
time of the motor added burden. In this case, please adjust the torque limit setting
(Note 4) : The motor constant data of the SJ300 series is the data at the time of base frequency
50Hz in the J1 motor made in Hitachi. . Please put in the value that did it to motor
constant I0 (H023) 0.7 times, in the case that you use it with base frequency 60Hz in
the J1 motor.
(Note 5) : Please do the auto tuning, in the case that you do not understand the motor constant.