Request/Response handling
The AK portion of the PKE word defines the request/response that may be issued.
Since parameter length of the SJ300/L300P inverter may vary, parameter values are always transferred so that
the least significant byte is placed in octet 8.
If the Request/Response contains array elements, the high byte (byte 3) of the IND word will carry the array sub
index, low byte (byte 4) is reserved for future use.
AK content (master -> slave)
Request Function Ackn (+) Ackn (-)
0 No request 0 -
1 Request parameter value 1 7
2 Change parameter value (word) 1 7/8
3 Change parameter value (long word) 2 7/8
4 Request description element (note) 3 7
5 Change description element (note) 3 7
6 Request parameter value (array) 4 7
7 Change parameter value (array word) 4 7/8
8 Change parameter value (array long word) (note) 5 7/8
9 Request number of array elements 6 7
AK content (Slave -> master)
Response ID Function
0 No response
1 Transfer parameter value (word)
2 Transfer parameter value (long word)
3 Transfer description element (note)
4 Transfer parameter value (array word)
5 Transfer parameter value (array long word) (note)
6 Request number of array elements
7 Request rejected, followed by fault code (in PWE part).
0 = Non-admissible parameter number
1 = Parameter value cannot be changed
2 = Upper or lower limit exceeded
3 = Erroneous sub-index
4 = No array
5 = Incorrect data type
7 = Descriptive element cannot be changed
9 = Descriptive data not available
11 = No parameter change rights
17 = Task cannot be executed due to operating status
102= Task cannot be executed due to communication error.
106 = Illegal Task, Task ID not allowed.
18 = Other
8 No parameter change rights by PKW interface
9 Parameter data signal (word) (note)
10 Parameter data signal (double word) (note)
If the inverter rejects a request from the master, the AK word in the PPO-read will indicate this by assuming value
7 or 8. The describing fault number will be found in the PWE part.
(note) Not supported by the SJ-PB(T) option board.