Advanced Techniques
4. Press the DATE/DISP. button. "M" appears next to the counter.
5. Press the REW/REVIEW button and the tape stops at approximately where you reset the linear time counter.
This feature works in F.FWD as well.
Using Quick Edit
Use quick edit to search for the end of previously recorded material, find a particular spot on your tape, begin
editing, or record new material. While the camera is in record/pause mode hold down the F.FWD, REW/REVlEW,
or PLAY button and visually search the tape. Release the button and the camcorder stops the tape at the exact
position you selected.
Notei !f the F:FWD or REW!REV!EW button Is pressed for quick edit, noise will appear in the viewfinderl on the 1
LCD monitor; or on the Connected TV.
Attaching the Optional Wide or Tele Converter Lens
Screw the lens into the threads on the camcorder lens assembly.
Note: !f the teie_€onversionlens (0ptional) is attached over the lenSl the four Comers of the image Wi!! be missing
in the wide-angle position. Use zoom in the telephoto position.