Advanced Techniques
page 30.
2. Turn on your VCR and place it in the camcorder input mode (consult your VCR
manual for details). Operate the television as you normally do to see the signal coming
from the VCR.
3. Hold down the red button of the CAM/OFF/VIDEO switch while you slide the switch to
4. Insert the recorded tape in the camcorder and a blank tape into the VCR. Set the
VCR to record.
5. Play the tape from the camcorder while recording on the VCR.
Note: If the VCR is connected to a television and the VCR/TV selector is set to VCR, you
can monitor the tape being dubbed.
Using Synchro Edit (The remote control is optional for VM-E110A)
Use synchro edit to record only segments of a previously recorded tape when dubbing from
the camcorder to a VCR. This requires an optional synchro edit cable. The Hitachi VM-
E110A/E310A uses a flying erase head to eliminate glitches or rainbow noise that sometimes
occurs between edits. Your VCR must have the EDIT IN jack to use the synchro edit.
Synchro Edit hookup Illustration
1. Connect the synchro edit cable to the AV IN/OUT jack of your camcorder.
2. Connect the synchro edit cable to the AUDIO IN, VIDEO IN, and EDIT IN jacks of
your VCR. Connect either the right or left audio plug into your VCR if it has only one
AUDIO IN jack.
Turn on your VCR and place it in the camcorder input mode (consult your VCR manual
for details).
3. Insert the recorded tape in the camcorder and a blank tape into the VCR.
4. Play the tape in the camcorder until you find the place you want to record. Press the
Start/Stop button.
5. Press the RECORD button on the VCR. It automatically sets to pause. If the VCR
begins to record instead of pausing you need to change the position of the switch on the
synchro edit cable. Stop the VCR, change the position of the switch, and press the
RECORD button on the VCR.
6. Press the S.EDIT button on the remote control and the last few seconds of the
recorded tape reviews in the viewfinder and then the camcorder is placed in playback.
The recording VCR starts recording automatically.
7. Press the F.F, REW, STOP and Start/Stop buttons to pause the VCR. You can then
search forward or back through the tape without affecting the tape in the VCR.
Use the F.F and REW buttons to search the tape. Press the PLAY button to resume
normal playback. To resume recording on the tape in the VCR, press the Start/Stop
button and then the S.EDIT button.
To fast forward or rewind the tape, press the STOP button, then F.F or REW. To return
to recording on the tape in the VCR, press the STOP button, then the PLAY button, then
the Start/Stop button, and then the S.EDIT button.
8. To stop recording at a certain point turn on the camcorder's linear time counter with