Accessories Add Excitement - 50 -
To place an order for any of these items call our toll free number or use the ordering form on page 65.
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To Order in the United States
In Canada - Please use Canadian order form in French version of this manual - Page 65.
By Phone
To place an order by phone, have your VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER card ready and call the toll-free
number (8:00AM ~ 6:00PM East Coast Time - workdays).
By Mail
Complete the order form on page 67. Detach it and send it to the following address with your credit card
information, money order, or check (in U.S. currency and payable to HiTRON, Inc.).
HiTRON is a subsidiary of Hitachi Home Electronics (America), Inc.
HiTRON, Inc.
675, Old Peachtree RD.
Suwanee, GA 30174
Please allow two to three weeks for delivery. If there is a current back order status on the model(s) you ordered,
we will notify you.
Thank you for allowing us (Hitachi and HiTRON) to be of service to you...our valued customer!
Order form
VM-H620A / VM-H720A