Getting Started
If you have been watching the TV in your home before getting the VCR,
you will already have a round wire attached to your TV. Otherwise, look
for a cable connection coming in through the wall from outside. (If you find
this connection, remember to call your local cable company to start the
1. If still hooked up to your TV, unscrew the round wire from the 75 ohm
connector on your television. Otherwise, take the wire that comes in from
the wall.
2. Screw this round wire into the IN FROM ANT jack on the back of your
3. Using the 75 ohm cable supplied with your VCR, slide on either end to
the OUT TO TV jack on the back of the VCR.
4. Connect the other end of the same cable onto the 75 ohm antenna
input on your TV (where you first disconnected the TV in step 1.)
Capabilities: With this hookup, you should now be able to perform all the
basic functions provided by this equipment.
External or Internal 300 Ohm Antenna
If you have either an external or internal (rabbit ears) antenna rather than
cable, you may have 300 ohm connectors like these.
In this case, you will need special adapters to make the 75 ohm round
wire connection shown below. (You may already have one on your TV.)
1. Remove the antenna line from the back of your TV if it is already
connected there, or take it from where it comes in on the wall.
2. Considering the three pictures below, determine which adapter you will
need to hook it into your VCR.
If you have Use this adapter
Single 300 ohm flat wire