Figure 1 Kit Number 05177NOS Components
Chapter 2 Kit Installation
2.1 Bottle Mounting Instructions
NOTE: Disconnect the battery ground before beginning installation.
2.1.1 Street Vehicles
Accurate calibration of your NOS nitrous system depends on the bottle remaining at a stable temperature. Mount the bottle
away from heat sources, such as the engine compartment or exhaust system, and away from windows, where the bottle is
exposed to direct sunlight. In vehicles such as Camaros and Firebirds, it is impractical to mount the bottle away from direct
sunlight. In these cases, the bottle should be covered or insulated, such as with an NOS bottle blanket.
NOS recommends that the bottle be environmentally separated from the driver’s compartment. Vehicles such as Camaros and
Firebirds do not have separate trunk compartments, so this kit includes an external blow-down tube. The safety blow-down tube
should be routed to the exterior of the vehicle (preferably under the vehicle). This procedure will prevent filling the driver’s
compartment with a cloud of nitrous oxide if the safety pressure relief cap should happen to rupture for any reason.
2.1.2 Racing Vehicles