12812 South Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90061
(800) 747-4085 (310) 516-8600 Fax (310) 516-8955
Customer Service Hours: 7:00 AM- 3:00 PM Pacific Time
www.hollywoodracks.com info@hollywoodracks.com
Made in Taiwan 110308 c3
This bicycle carrier has been designed to attach securely to most vehicles. It is the user’s responsibility to insure the safe
and proper installation of this product. Improper attachment or installation of this product may result in damages to your
bicycles, vehicle, or vehicles following behind you. If the pads of this rack (or any rack) are resting against glass or a
structurally soft panel, be aware that this may cause damage to your vehicle. The manufacturer of this product will not extend
the warranty to any damages not attributable to a defect in materials and workmanship. The fit guide printed i
intended as a general reference only. On going changes in vehicle design, materials and finishes used on motor vehicles
make it the user’s responsibility to determine the use of this product. Do not attach hooks to aluminum, glass, fiberglass,
moldings, spoilers or carbon fiber parts. Please check the Fit Guide on the back page prior to installation!
If the make and model of your cars is listed as a “No Fit,” check with your dealer about installation assistance, exchange for
another model that will fit, or refund. This guide is not complete due to continuous changes in automotive design. For
answers to questions, call our customer service department at: 800-747-4085
Mon.-Fri. from 7:00AM–3:00PM Pacific time OR Email us anytime at info@hollywoodracks.com
Limited Lifetime Warranty (effec
Hollywood Racks will warranty its car racks and accessories
during the time that an original retail purchaser owns the product subject
to the exclusions and limitations of this warranty. Hollywood Racks will remedy defects in materials and workmanship by repairing or
replacing (at its option) the complete rack or a defective part without charge for labor or parts. Hollywood Racks may elect (at its option)
to issue a refund equal to the purchase price paid for the product.
warranty does not cover problems caused by normal wear and tear including (but not limited to) weather, scratches, dents, rust,
accidents, unlawful vehicle operation, misuse, abuse, neglect, theft, unauthorized modifications, or unauthorized repair. No war
given for defects resulting in incorrect assembly, incorrect installation onto the vehicle, installation on a “no fit” vehicle, incorrect
attachment of bicycles onto the rack, or overloading of the rack’s weight restrictions. This warranty terminates if the original retail
purchaser transfers the product to any other person.
If a product is believed to be defective, the original retail purchaser should contact either the original retailer or Hollywood Racks directly
at 800-747-4085 or at info@hollywoodracks.com
Disclaimer of Liability
: Repair or replacement of a defective product or the issuance of a refund or credit (as determined by Hollywood
Racks) is a purchaser’s exclusive remedy under this warranty. Damage to a purchaser’s vehicle, cargo, bicycles and or to any other
person is excluded. This warranty is expressly made in lieu of any and all other express warranties, whether oral or written.
Hollywood Racks shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special, punitive or
any other damages in connection with the purchase, use or handling of this product.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential or incidental damages and the above limitation may not apply to
you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you have other rights, which vary from state to state.
Wichtige Hinweise des Bundestamtes für Polizeiewesen Zur Benützung von Fahrrad
Die Vorrichtung wird am Fahrzeug angebracht und stützt sich auf der stossslange, der Heckklap
pe und dem Heckfenster ab.
Dabiestehl das Fahrad quer zur Fahrtrichtung. Nach Art. 73 Abs. 2 der Verkehrszulassungsverordnung (VRV) darf bei
Motorwagen und Anh
ăngern die Ladung seitlich nict Uberagen. Dies dürfte beim Mitführen von einem oder mehreren Fahrrädern
mit genannter Vorrichtung je nach Fahrzeugbreite problematisch werden. Imweiteren ist auch Art. 89 des VTS, verdecken der
Beleuchtungsvorrichtungen und Kontrollschilder zu beachten.
Demzufolge kann nicht der Träger selbst für unzulässig einstuft werden, sondern nur die Verwendung desselben in
Verbindüng mit der Kombination Transportfahrzeugen und Fahrrad, lässet eine endgültige Beurteilung zu.
Fahreten mit montiertem Träger ohne Fahrräder sind zu unterlassen!
Directives importantes du Conseil Federal pour les offices de police concernant l’utilisation de porte-vélos arriére
L’appareil doit ėtré appuyé sur le véhicule de sorte à ce qu’il vienne se caler sur le pare-choc arriére, le coffer et la vitre
arriére. Cepdantle cycle se positionne perpendiculaire au véhicule. En conséquence, d’aprés l’article 73, paragraphe 2 du décret
sur le autoris
alions du code de la route, la charge surles véhicules motorisés et remorques ne doit pas dépasser la larguer totale.
Ce qui pourrait devenair problématique à la charge d’un ou de plusieurs cycles. Plus loin, il faut Aussi prendre compte de l’article
89 VTS l’entrave aux éclairages arriéres et aux Plaques numériques.
Ainsila combinaison entre les véhicules motorisés et ce genre de porte-
vélos ne doit etre utilizes uniquement por le transport
de bicyclettes. Les trajects avec les portes-vélos montes á vide sont interdits.