CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 41
• attribute = 2 : Spacing
Value Meaning
0 Monospacing
1 Proportional spacing
• attribute = 3 : Pitch
Specify pitch in characters per inch (cpi). The pitch value you specify can be in the range 0 to 32767.9999.
Pitch only applies to monospaced fonts.
• attribute = 4 : Height
Specify height in points. One point is 1/72". The height value you specify can be in the range 0 to
32767.9999. Proportionally spaced fonts are scaled according to the height you select. Monospaced fonts
ignore this setting value.
• attribute = 5 : Posture
value Meaning
0 Upright
1 Italic
2 Alternate italic
• attribute = 6 : Stroke weight
Attribute Meaning
-7 Ultra Thin
-6 Extra thin
-5 thin
-4 Extra light
-3 Light
-2 Demi light
-1 Semi light
0 Medium, Book or Text
1 Semi bold
2 Demi bold
3 Bold
4 Extra bold
5 Black
6 Extra black
7 Ultra black
9999 Stick font at current pen width*
* This attribute value is only effective if the stick font is the current font.
• attribute = 7 : Typeface
You can select any typefaces available in LaserJet mode, from the internal fonts, card/cartridge fonts or
download fonts.
10 '-Standard Font Definition-
20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255
30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B";
50 LPRINT "IN;SP1;";
60 LPRINT "PA2200,7000;SD2,0,4,11.5,5,0;"
70 LPRINT "DT#;LBLaser printer#"
80 LPRINT "PA2000,5000;SD2,1,4,20,5,1;"
90 LPRINT "LBLaser printer#"
100 LPRINT "PA1000,3000;SD2,1,4,50,5,1;"
120 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
130 LPRINT CHR$927); "%0A";
140 END
<Sample 48>