Reset printer / change emulation mode
EscCR<mode> (27)(13)mode <1Bh><0Dh>mode
• This command enables you to switch emulation mode or to reset the printer.
• Change emulation mode by setting mode to the appropriate letter or pair of letters. Set mode to ‘D’ to
switch to Diablo mode, ‘H’ to switch to LaserJet mode, ‘I’ to switch to IBM Proprinter XL mode,
'AB' to switch to BR-Script Batch mode, 'AI' to switch BR-Script Interactive mode, 'GL' to switch to
HP-GL mode.
• If you set mode to ‘E’ in Epson FX-850 mode , a printer reset is performed.
• If you set mode to ‘FD’, to reset the printer to its factory default settings, LaserJet mode (the factory
default emulation mode) is selected and the LaserJet factory default environment is restored. For a
list of the factory default settings see the sub-section “Factory default environment” in Chapter 2
"PCL" of this manual.
• On receiving this command the printer prints any remaining data and performs a page eject (unless
the current page is blank). The newly selected emulation mode’s default settings come into effect,
except when mode is set to ‘FD’.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(13); CHR$(73); 'Change to IBM Proprinter mode
User reset
EscCR!#R (27)(13)(33)#(82) <1Bh><0Dh><21h>#<52h>
• # = 0, the printer restores to the current user setting.
• # = 1, the printer restores to user settings 1.
• # = 2, the printer restores to user settings 2.
Paper Input Control
EscEMn (27)(25)n <1Bh><19h>n
n Value HL-1660e/2060/2400C/2400Ce/3400CN/3260N/2460/7050/2600CN/3450CN
n = 0 Initialize the feeder mode.
n = 1 Feed from the MP tray.
n = 2 Feed from Tray 1.
n = 3 Feed from Tray 2.
n = 4 Feed from Tray 3.
n = 5 Feed from Tray 4.
n = R Eject paper.
n Value HL-1050
n = 0 Initialize the feeder mode.
n = 1/2 Feed from the tray.
n = R Eject paper.
n Value HL-1250/1270N/1450/1470N/P2500/1650/1670N/1850/1870N/5050/5070N
n = 0 Initialize the feeder mode.
n = 1 Feed from the Tray 1.
n = 2 Feed from the Tray 2.
n = R Eject paper.
Enable out-of-paper sensor
Esc9 (27)(57) <1Bh><39h>
The printer ignores this command.
Disable out-of-paper sensor
Esc8 (27)(56) <1Bh><38h>
The printer ignores this command.