Electrical Installation
Revision 6 HercuLineā¢ 2000 Series Actuator - Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 17
Electrical Installation
General Wiring Recommendations
Only qualified personnel should perform wiring.
Wiring must conform to national and local electrical codes.
In general, copper wire used. Unless locally applicable codes dictate otherwise, the recommended minimum
wire sizes in
Table 2 should be observed.
Table 2 Recommended Minimum Wire Size
AWG Description
14 Earth ground wire to common power supply.
Earth ground wire to single actuator. 120/240 V ac line leads. +24 V and common
signal leads. Common signal leads, relays, and aux switches.
Safety Precautions
An external disconnect switch must be installed to break all current carrying
conductors connected to the actuator. Turn off power before working on
conductors. Failure to observe this precaution may result in serious personal injury.
Actuator Connections
The ground terminal must be connected to a reliable earth ground.
While the unit is powered, a potentially lethal shock hazard exists inside the case.
Do not open the case while the unit is powered. Do not access the terminals while
the unit is powered.
The actuator terminal connections for the field wiring are located behind the cover on the actuator case as
shown in
Figure 2. Power and field wiring is brought into the actuator through two access holes located on the
side of the actuator case.
Use both openings: one for low level wiring (control signal) and the other for high
level wiring (120Vac).
Do not run both the High Level and Low Level wiring through the same
The screw terminals, locations, and descriptions for all customer connections are identified in the tables and
figures that follow.