66 301C User Manual M-510324
Honeywell 7/10
System Programming
Tests Menu
The Tests menu provides four main options, divided between two
screens. Each of these options offers different capabilities.
The first screen presents three options:
Test sequence: Enables each output to be activated and validates
operation of each controller keypad buttons, display
pixels, and various communication protocols.
Start Sim
Sequence: This options starts or stops the Simulation mode,
which allows a simulation of a gas concentration
over an associated scale range on all transmitters.
The simulated gas concentration values are local (on
the controller) and do not affect logging functions.
(Events will be activated for the simulation but
detection devices are not affected.)
Maximum load: Activates all controller components
The second screen option is “Oprt Mode”, which offers three separate
operation settings: Normal, Single Tx or Debug.
Normal Normal controller operation mode
Single Tx: Activates the polling mode on a single transmitter.
Debug: Activates the service mode to perform a calibration
and to test Events without triggering actions.
8. Tests
Test sequence
Start Sim Sequence
Maximum load
8. Tests
Oprt Mode: normal