
The Development of FIRSTVISION Expected Firefighter Interaction with the FIRSTVISION
40 FIRSTVISION Installation and Operation Manual - P/N: 53034:Rev: A2 10/29/07
5.3 Expected Firefighter Interaction with the FIRSTVISION
FIRSTVISION supports tasks that help Firefighters determine whether a fire is occurring. To
illustrate how F
IRSTVISION helps the Firefighter, example emergency situations, "Fire Scene 1" and
"Fire Scene 2", provide a fire scene scenario and a description of the how Firefighters might use
IRSTVISION in that fire scene emergency.
5.3.1 Example Emergency Situations
Fire Scene 1
A fire has started in a second floor office near the front (above the lobby) of a building with a two-
level roof. That is, part of the building has three floors above ground and the other part only two.
The office that contains the fire is directly under the roof on the shorter side of the building. The
building roof is reinforced with high-tension steel cable.
The Fire Department arrives at the building in less than five minutes after the department receives
the alarm. Possible Firefighter responses to this fire scene are described in the following
0 seconds
1. The enclosure unlocks and the touch screen displays the floor on which the alarm
0 seconds
2. The Incident Commander enters the building at the main entrance, goes to F
and opens the enclosure to view the screen.
5 seconds
3. The Commander:
Verifies that the address is for the building that sent the alarm. (as shown in the
example in Figure 5.1)
Sees the floors where the detector activations have occurred.
Figure 5.1 Fire Scene Scenario Floor Plan Information
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