Hochiki and SK SLC Device Installation
151209 5-7
5.6 Addressing SK SLC Devices
All SK devices are addressed using the two rotary dials that appear on the device board. Use
the ONES rotary dial to set the ones place in a one or two digit number, and use the TENS
rotary dial to set the tens place in a two digit number.
SK device addresses are handled differently than Hochiki device addresses. The control panel
recognizes when an SK detector or SK module is installed. For this reason, SK detectors can
be assigned any unique address from 1 to 99, and SK modules can be assigned any unique
address from 1 to 99. Unlike Hochiki detectors and modules which share addresses 1 through
99, there can be an SK detector using address 1 and an SK module using address 1. 0 is an
invalid address.
Example 1: To select device address 1, turn the ONES rotary dial to 1 and the TENS rotary
dial to 0 as shown in Figure 5-5.
Example 2: To select device address 42, turn the ONES rotary dial to 2 and the TENS rotary
dial to 4 as show in Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5 SK SLC Device Addressing Using Rotary Dials
Example 1: Device Set to 01.
Example 2: Device Set to 42.
All dials labeled for ONES
or TENS position.