
How do I change the batteries on the CM901 when they run out?
The thermostat constantly monitors the battery power level, which typically last for
about 2 years before needing replaced. When the power is running low a ashing
symbol will be displayed on the screen. To change the batteries follow the steps in
the above section (‘STEP 1: Installing the Batteries’ on page 3), replacing the used
batteries with new ones in step c.
Note: While changing the batteries your program settings will be stored but you may
need to adjust the time and date settings to be correct.
How do I set one temperature for the whole day?
To operate as a simple thermostat with one temperature for a period of time, move
the slider switch to the MAN position. Adjust the manual temperature by pressing the
buttons. This can be set anywhere from 5°C to 35°C in 0.5°C steps. The
thermostat will continue to maintain this temperature until another operating mode is
selected or the temperature is adjusted.
What is Optimum Start?
Optimum Start is a program which ensures that the optimum temperature conditions
are achieved at the required times. This is an Energy Efciency feature that adjusts
the start time of your heating system depending upon how cold it is. For example,
on cold days your heating system will be started earlier to ensure that your home is
warm when you get up (at the target temperature) and on warmer days the heating
system will be started later to save energy. So, if the Optimum Start Feature is used,
then the time / temperature settings which are entered into the thermostat should
be set to when you want to be warm by and not when you want the heating system
to start.