Dolphin® 7900 Series Mobile Computer User’s Guide 9 - 33
2. Go to Start > Programs > Meetinghouse Certificate Installer. The opening screen is displayed. All valid certificate file
types located in the My Documents folder appear in the list.
3. Tap and hold on a certificate in the list. A pop-up appears asking if you want to install the certificate.
4. Tap OK. The certificate is loaded into the correct certificate store.
Advice and Workarounds
Issue Possible Causes and Solutions
The Client will not start on the device with an
error message about missing files.
Perform a soft reset.
The wireless network interface (port) does not
appear in the main AEGIS screen.
• The license is not valid (If you have entered a time-limited license, is
your clock on the device correct?).
• Restart the client - on the main screen tap Client > Restart.
• Perform a soft reset.
• If the radio is turned off or the radio card is not present, this will
sometimes cause the port name to not appear.
• If the radio driver is very old and does not support NDIS 5.1
commands, the Client may not be able to detect it.
The wireless network interface appears, but
when I select it and go to the "configure" menu,
the Scan button is disabled.
Power up the radio; see Enabling Radios and Radio Combinations on
page 4-7.
The client is not attaching to the correct AP. The default network profile instructs the client to attach to the first
available AP. You must select a network, move it to the Configured
Networks list, and then move it above default in the list using the up
arrow buttons.
For more information, see Wireless Networks Tab on page 9-27.