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External GPS
External GPS determines which port a third-party GPS software application can use to access the GPS
Note: You need the installation parameters from the GPS manufacturer to configure the connection.
Managed Programs
Managed Programs are a list of programs that are managed if enrolled to enterprise domain. Managed
Programs is the client-side that works with the server product System Center Mobile Device Manager
(MDM). MDM consists of MDM Gateway Server and one or more computers that run MDM Device
Management Server; MDM Enrollment Server; and Microsoft SQL Server® 2005 databases.
It lets system administrators:
• provide an authenticated connection to LOB applications, managed Group Policy, and application
• use Group Policy and software packages to manage the enrolled Windows phones (enforce policy,
wipe devices, etc.).
• manage the requests for and retrieving of certificates for devices and for creating the Active Directory®
Domain Service objects that represent these devices. By using these objects, you can manage the
devices as if they were members of a domain.