Honeywell warrants to the consumer that this product be free from
defects in the workmanship or materials, under normal conditions of use
and service, for a period of five (5) years from the date of purchase by
the consumer. If, at any time during the warranty period, the product is
defective or malfunctions, Honeywell shall repair or replace it (at
Honeywell’s option) within a reasonable period of time.
What to Do If You
Have a Problem
First consult the “Before You Call For Service”
section in your owner’s manual to see if the
problem can be easily corrected.
If you decide that you require further assis-
tance, please contact:
a) the dealer from which you purchased it, or
b) the local Honeywell Authorized Repair
If you do not have a dealer as above, the local
Honeywell Sales office can assist you in
identifying qualified dealers in your area. For
the Honeywell Sales office nearest you, see
your “Service Information” booklet or the white
pages of your telephone directory.
This warranty does not apply to:
1. Any labour cost(s) of removing or reinstalling
a replacement part(s) or unit or repair to a
defective part except where labor is per-
formed by a Honeywell Authorized Electronic
Air Cleaner Repair Depot at the Repair
Depot location.
2. Any defect or malfunction that was caused
by damage due to misuse, improper han-
dling or normal wear which occurred while
the product was in the possession of a
What Your
Warranty Covers
Free of Charge
This warranty applies to
parts or components
of your Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner,
except the ionizer wires in the air cleaner cells
and aluminum prefilters. The warranty also
covers the cost of both parts
labour for all
repairs done at a Honeywell Authorized
Electronic Air Cleaner Repair Depot.
What Your
Warranty Does
Not Cover