HREP Color Digital Video Recorder User Guide
Document 800-06847 Rev B 57
Caution To use the DDNS function, you need to set up port forwarding:
a. Default WEB SERVICE PORT: 8080
b. Default RTSP SERVICE PORT: 554
The default DDNS HOST NAME is your Mac address. You can
connect in one of two ways:
(Mac address/Host name)
1234.dvrlink.net (You can enter any DDNS Host name.)
Configuring for E-mail Notifications
1. Click E-MAIL on the left side of the NETWORK window.
The E-MAIL setup menu appears.
Figure 2-50 E-MAIL Setup Menu
2. Configure the following settings:
SERVER The SMTP outbound e-mail server that should be used to send
e-mail notifications.
PORT The outbound e-mail port number.
SECURITY Set to OFF if the SERVER does not require a user name and
password to connect.
USER Enter a user name to identify the DVR in e-mail messages.
PASSWORD If SECURITY is set to ON, then enter the password.
FROM Enter an e-mail address or any text. This is used only for a test
e-mail from the e-mail sender.
TEST E-MAIL You can send a test e-mail to check the settings.