Laser Safety
The Radiation Protection Bureau currently accepts products meeting the FDA standards in Canada. For more
information contact:
Radiation Protection Bureau
775 Brookfield Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1C1
Products meeting FCC 47 CFR Part 15 will meet Industry Canada interference-causing equipment standard for
digital apparatus, ICES-003. Additional testing is not required.
A written notice indicating compliance must accompany the apparatus to the end user. The notice shall
be in the form of a label that is affixed to the apparatus. The notice may be in the form of a statement
included in the user’s manual if, because of insufficient space or other restrictions, it is not feasible to affix a
label to the apparatus.
The CE Mark is required on products, which incorporate the IS4813, and the IS4815 scan engines if the
products are to be imported into European Economic Area (EEA) countries. Use of the CE Mark requires
compliance with directives and standards dependent upon the type of product. Information may be found at
Laser Safety
IEC 60825-1:2007,
EN 60825-1:2007
“Safety of Laser products”
Compliance with either of the standards listed above is required for the product to bear the CE mark.
Note: Non EEA countries may impose additional testing/certification requirements.
Certain combinations of IS4800 scan engines and associated electronics may require certification of
compliance with the European EMC Directive. EMC compliance of finished products in Europe can be
accomplished by the following method:
• The manufacturer may certify to the EC’s Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC.
Compliance is required for the product to bear the CE Mark.
Note: Non EEA countries may impose additional testing/certification requirements.
The IS4800 series laser scan engine is designed to meet EN55022 Radiated Class B emission limits. The
engine was installed in a representative system and tested for compliance.
Electrical Safety
The scan engines are built to conform to the European Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.