
Page 2-4
006-10536-0010 Rev. 10 Oct/2005
The Editing window will be removed and the Memory Definitions window
will again be displayed, to allow further changes, and the Main
screen will display a message describing the changed parameter.
After completing the all changes to the settings, refer to the KPA
900 Operators Guide P/N 006-05392-00XX for instructions to complete
the programming of the Configuration Module.
Honeywell recommends that the programmed module be verified before
installation. Exit the KPA 900 program, re-invoke it, read the
programmed module, and verify the correctness of the settings. This
step will ensure that the programming operation was successful.
The KRA 405B Receiver/Transmitter DOES NOT require an Aircraft
Installation Delay (AID). The KRA 405B R/T has provisions to
calibrate to zero feet during the installation. After this
calibration, the KRA 405B will provide a radar altitude of basically
zero feet (see note below) when the aircraft is taxiing or
stationary on the ground.
NOTE: All versions of the KRA 405B with 01/03 or 02/03 software
and -2001/-4001 version units with 01/03 or higher soft-
ware may provide slight negative values of altitude when
the aircraft is taxiing or at rest. This is normal oper-
ation as the altitude calculation may vary around zero at
plus and minus the system accuracy. All other unit and
software configurations will "clamp" negative calculation
results to zero feet, and never go negative. The config-
uration module supplied offset is applied to the altitude
data after the "clamp", so all unit configurations have
the capability to produce negative results.
The Honeywell EFIS 40 and EFIS 50 systems (and possibly
other systems) will not display negative altitudes re-
ceived on the digital bus. When the Honeywell EFIS detects
a negative altitude value, it "declutters" or blanks the
altitude information from the displays. The EFIS will
also rebroadcast incorrect Radio Altitude information on
the general-purpose bus.
All versions of units with 01/03 or 02/03 software and
-2001/-4001 version units with 01/03 or higher software
must not interface to the EFIS 40 or EFIS 50 systems via
the ARINC 429 bus. All flavors and software versions of
he KRA 405B must not be configured with a zero foot offset
when interfacing the EFIS via the digital bus. Interfaces
via any of the analog outputs will function correctly.