°F 012345678 9
40 26109 25400 24712 24045 23399 22771 22163 21573 21000 20445
50 19906 19383 18876 18383 17905 17440 16990 16553 16128 15715
60 15314 14925 14548 14180 13823 13477 13140 12812 12494 12185
70 11884 11592 11308 11032 10763 10502 10248 1000 9760 9526
80 9299 9078 8 862 8653 8449 8250 8057 7869 7685 7507
90 7333 7165 7 000 6839 6683 6531 6383 6238 6098 5961
100 5827 5697 5 570 5446 5326 5208 5094 4982 4873 4767
110 4663 4562 4 464 4368 4274 4183 4094 4006 3922 3839
120 3758 3679 3 602 3527 3453 3382 3312 3244 3177 3112
130 3048 2986 2 925 2866 2808 2752 2697 2643 2590 2538
140 2488 2439 2 391 2344 2298 2253 2209 2166 2124 2083
150 2043 2004 1 966 1928 1891 1856 1820 1786 1753 1720
160 1688 1656 1 625 1595 1566 1537 1509 1481 1454 1427
170 1402 1376 1 351 1327 1303 1280 1257 1235 1213 1191
180 1170 1150 1 129 1110 1090 1071 1953 1035 1017 999
190 982 965 949 933 917 901 886 871 857 842
200 828 814 801 788 775 762 749 737 725 713
In Degrees F
Sensor Resistance at Various Temperatures
Example: If temperature of water is 84°F, then the resistance through the sensor would be
8449 (see shaded area). NOTE: Sensor resistance increases as the temperature
Stored water may be HOT when performing the following steps in this procedure.
Take necessary precaution to prevent personal injury.
Gas Control/Thermal Well Testing and
Determine Water Temperature Inside Tank
Step 1. Position gas control power switch to “OFF” position.
Step 2. Draw approximately 4 gallons of water from drain valve into a container and discard. Draw an
additional gallon and immediately measure water temperature using an accurate thermometer. It may
be necessary to open a hot water faucet to allow heater to drain.
Step 3. Using the chart below, determine correct resistance value for the water temperature from step 2.
Note: It is important to understand once the resistance for the thermal well is determined from page 25, water flow
through the heater should not occur. Prior to performing the steps below, turn off the cold water supply to the
water heater. This will prevent cold water flow into the tank affecting the resistance value of thermal well.
Page 25
PDX Series