EXCEL 50/100/500/600/800 ATTRIBUTES
EN2B-0092GE51 R0512
** Output only (V2.0.x)
Digital points Table 14 indicates the digital point signals depending on the attribute "Operating
Table 14. Digital point signals
auto operating
manual operating
operating mode
automatic value* ON don’t care don’t care
don’t care OFF don’t care
n/a n/a ON
resulting Value ON OFF ON
output signal HIGH LOW HIGH
*Automatic value is either the physical point value (inputs) of the value from the
program (outputs)
Alarming The change from the 'automatic' to the 'manual' mode will create a point alarm if
other alarm conditions are set accordingly.
Firmware prior to V.2.04.x With controller firmware prior to V.2.04.xx, the alarm will report the status of the
operating mode as it was before the change.
Firmware V.2.04.x Beginning with controller firmware V.2.04.x, the alarm will report the status of the
operating mode as it is after the change.
Output Type
Three-position outputs are digital outputs. From an operational viewpoint, they are
assigned the same datapoint description as analog outputs, i.e. a three-position
output possesses attributes similar to those of an analog output.
Analog or 3-position output The attribute "Output Type" determines whether the analog output datapoint
description should be assigned to an analog output or to a three-position output.
The following inputs are possible:
• Continuous The analog output datapoint description is assigned to
an analog output.
• Three-position The analog output datapoint description is assigned to
a three-position output.
• Remote three-position Output to the Excel 100 MCE 3 and MCD 3 output
The attribute "Subtype" is used in conjunction with digital outputs and flexible
datapoints. It determines whether the digital output is of the non-pulsed type.
Point Alarms
The attribute "Point in Alarm" refers to alarm messages from the alarm attributes
"Min. Limit", "Max. Limit", and "Alarm Status".
The attribute "Point in Alarm" indicates whether or not those datapoints using these
attributes are currently in alarm.
The following entries are possible:
• Yes = the chosen datapoint is in alarm
• No = the chosen datapoint is not in alarm