A.6 Configuring Smart Meter Using SFC
Using the SFC to
Configure the Smart
Meter Display
You can select an available engineering unit or enter a custom one
including upper and lower limit settings for the smart meter’s digital
readout using the SFC.
Transmitter Output
Conformity and Smart
Meter Configuration
Normally when using a differential type transmitter, you can select the
transmitter’s output to represent a straight linear calculation or a square
root calculation for flow measurement applications. This linear or
square root output parameter selection is called output conformity or
output form. (See ST 3000 User manual for more details.)
When configuring the smart meter to display the transmitter output
measurement, there are certain rules to keep in mind which are
dependent on the output conformity selection. These rules are described
in the following paragraphs.
1. The output conformity setting of the transmitter restricts the
engineering units you can select for the smart meter display.
• When the transmitter is configured for an output conformity of
LINEAR, you can select only pressure type engineering units.
(See Table 6.)
• When the transmitter is configured for an output conformity of
SQUARE ROOT, you can select only flow type engineering
units GPM and GPH.
• The percent and custom engineering units can be selected
regardless of output conformity configuration.
2. Additionally, the output conformity setting restricts the setting of the
lower and upper display limits to represent transmitter’s 0 to 100%
• If you select pressure type engineering units, you cannot set the
lower or upper display limits. These values are automatically set
when you select the engineering units.
• You can set only the upper display limit when the transmitter is
configured for SQUARE ROOT output conformity. The lower
display limit is fixed at zero (0) for a transmitter in square root
mode and cannot be changed.
Continued on next page
2/05 ST 3000 Release 300 Installation Guide