Chapter 2 - RAM Mount Options
Several types of mounts are provided for the Thor VX8. For a complete listing of mounting kits and the contents of each kit,
please refer to the VX8 and VX9 accessory list. Contact Technical Assistance for more information.
Thor VX8 with single RAM ball option
If the Thor VX8 is ordered with a single RAM ball, available mounting options include:
l Truck bracket with a single RAM ball (no keyboard mount provision)
l Truck bracket with a RAM ball for Thor VX8 mount plus a RAM ball for keyboard mount
l RAM ball base with integrated keyboard bracket for back of Thor VX8.
Thor VX8 with dual RAM ball option
If the Thor VX8 is ordered with dual RAM balls, available mounting options include:
l Truck bracket with dual RAM balls (no keyboard mount provision)
l Truck bracket with dual RAM balls for Thor VX8 mount plus a third RAM ball for keyboard mount
Keyboard mounting options
They keyboard may be mounted using:
l Integrated keyboard bracket included in some single RAM ball mounting kits
l A RAM mount using the keyboard ball on some truck brackets
l A stand alone keyboard mount using a RAM ball attached to the vehicle
Individual brackets
l Many individual mounting brackets are also available.