
© 2005 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
WWhheenn yyoouu aarree rreeaaddyy ttoo ddrriivvee tthhee vveehhiiccllee::
1. Insert the ignition key and turn it to the
ON (not the START) position.
2. Press the brake pedal. The remote start
will shut down and the doors will lock 3
seconds later if ignition controlled locking is
programmed on.
While the vehicle is running during remote start operation, the
system will monitor the vehicle and will automatically shut down the
engine if the system receives any of the following shut-down inputs:
The brake pedal is pressed.
The hood is opened.
The shutdown toggle switch is put into the ON position.
The pre-programmed run time has elapsed (12-minutes).
The button is pressed twice.
The tachometer is either too high or low (tachometer
The battery voltage is too low (voltage mode).
If the brake pedal is pressed before the key is in
the ON position, the engine will shut down.