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!3ecauseof potential safety hazards
undercwtain conditions, westrongly
recommendagainstuseof anadapter
plug. However,if you still elect to use
anadapter,where iocal codes permit,
bemadeto aproperly grounded
two-prong wail receptacle by use of
a IJL listed adapter (Fig. 2)available
at most local hardware stores.
The k+mgerslotinthe adapter must be
aligned with the Iargerslot in the wall
receptacle to provide proper polarity
in the connection of the power cord.
CAUTK2N:Attaching adapter
ground terminal to wail receptacle
cover screw does not ground the
appliance unless cover screw is
metal, and not insulated, and wall
receptacle is grounded through
house wiring. Customer should
have the circuit checked by aqual-
ified electrician to make sure the
receptacle is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power
cmrcifrom the adapter, always hold
the adapter with one hand. If this
is not done, the adapter ground
terminal is very likely to break
with repeated use.
should the adapter ground
terminal break, DO NOT USE the
app!iarlce until a proper grcNJnd
has again been established.
Because of potential safety hazards
undercertain conditions, westrongiy
recommend againstthe use of an
extension cord. However, if you still
elect to use an extension cord, it is
absolutely necessarythat it be a U!-
listed 3-wire grounding ty~e appli-
ance extension cord and that the
current carrying ratingofthe cord be
15amperes minimum. Such exten-
sion cords are obtainable through
your local service organization.
This is recommended for best
performance and to prevent over-
loading house wiring circuits,
which could cause a possible fire
hazardfrom overheating wires.
Do not install refrigeratorwhere
temperaturewill go below 60°F.
because it will not run often enough
to maintain proper temperatures.
Do installitcma floor strongenough
Also see Energy-Saving Tips
regarding location.
Nkxw 5/8” at each sick?and1“ over
the top for ease of installationand
proper air circulation.
Pk. ;
-iw-xmQd(wlg ?2r$evif mcmw . *.
consider providing water supply to
refrigerator iocation. It will simplify
connection of optional automatic
icemaker should you wish to install
one at a later date.
Adjustablercd$em[on modelsso —
eauiooed) which enable vou to
kov~-refrigerator awayfrtim wallfor .
cieanirm, or leveling legs, are
located-behind has=gr;lle. They
should beset sorefrigerator is
firmly positioned on fioorand front is
raisedjust enough that doorsclose
easily when opened about halfway.
Toadjustrollersor kwe!inglegs,
remove base grille by grasping it
at bottom and pulling it straight out.
I i
Turn roller adjusting screws or
leveling legs clockwiseto raise
refrigerator, counterclockwise to
kxww it. Use adjustable wrench or
pliers 017the roller adjusting screw’s
3/811hex head bolt.
When adjusting rollers or leveling
legs for proper door closure, bottom
front edge of cabinet should be
approximately 5/8” from floor.
on back of grille with clamps in
cabinet and gently push ‘forward
until grille snaps into place.
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