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If your refrigerator appears to have stop-
1. Check temperature control dial, It may
fails to operate, plug another appliance in-
ped operating (except during the defrost be turned to the OFF position.
to the same outlet to determine if there is
cycle when the motor and fan are normally
2. If interior light is not on, check to see if
a burned-out fuse.
shut off completely for the length of the
cycle), make these simple tests before call-
refrigerator isplugged in at wall receptacle.
4. Follow check list below for other pos-
ing for service:
3. If plug is secure and the refrigerator still sible trouble spots.
Moisture forms on outside of refrigerator
Cl Moisture not unusual during periods
of high humidity
Q Move power saver switch to
HUMID position
Moisture collects inside
❑ Too-frequent and too-long door
D Hot-humid weather increases rate of
frost build-up and internal sweating
~ During automatic defrosting water
runs down rear wall —this is normal
Cabinet has odor
❑ Certain foods produce odor–should
be covered
~ Interior needs cleaning
~ Defrost-water pan needs cleaning
Refrigerator runs too long
❑ IModern refrigerators are larger
and run colder— require more
running time
~ Doors kept
open too long
❑ Tempera& re”controls se; too colci
El Normal at time of installation or after
refrigerator has been turned off
Grille and condenser need cleaning
Refrigerator runs too frequently
❑ Required to provide even
❑ Too-frequent and too-long door
Cabinet vibrates
Legs need adjusting
❑ Check for weak floor
Wow ice cube freezing
❑ Freezer door may have been left ajar
Fresh food temperature too warm
❑ Temperature control not set in cold
enough position
❑ Too-frequent and too-long door
Package holding door open
Grille and condenser need cleaning
f%esh foods dry out
Foods should be covered
Fresh food temperature too cold
Temperature control dial set in too
cold position
Noise level is slightly higher on
modern, larger refrigerators
Fan air flow– this is normal
Defrost-water pan not in correct
❑ Legs need adjusting
for weak floor
Refrigerator does not run
Temperature control in OFF position
Not plugged in
El No power at outlet
❑ House fuse blown
Hot air from bottom of refrigerator
❑ Normal air flow of fan-cooled
Water on floor
Defrost-water pan full, missing, or
not in position
Interior light does not light
No power at outlet
Light bulb needs replacing
Freezer too warm
❑ Freezer door may have been left ajar
❑ Package may be holding door open
El Grille and condenser need cleaning
Frost on frozen food
❑ Too-frequent and too-long freezer
door openings
Freezer door may have been left ajar
Frozen foods dry out
❑ Packages not wrapped or sealed
Your refrigerator is wired for accurate electrical di-
agnosis in your home—takes only minutes to check
its entire electrical system”. No need to unplug,
move or unload refrigerator to make diagnosis. -
If you need to call a Hotpoint Serviceman, be sure
to give the model number of your refrigerator. It
maybe found at the front of your refrigerator at the
bottom of the fresh food section near the hinge
(see model sketch, front cover). When service
is required, be sure to specify genuine Hotpoint
renewal parts.
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Wemaintain a staff of Customer Relations Managers at major market
maintaina workingrelationshipwithMACAP,the Major Appliance Con- ~
Iocati<>nsto whomyoumayappeal forservice helpif youare not satisfied
sumer Action Panel, 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606, ~
withthe assistance received throughthe normal channels specified in the
so that you maycontact them for help
in resolving a complaint but only
warranty on the back cover under “HO\\I To Obiain
Sert’ice.”A listing of
after you have tried to resolve the prob!em through our Customer
.r .,z~
locations and telephone numbers is provided with the product. We also
Relations Offices.
11181@11111liltllll 8111R4:llt1s 1f8811i lul!til 1811atl !laaala a*81s8s8allis11z9Rt 8188taotoii 11t881iet#ll181v