Before proceeding with any cleaning or defrostingBefore proceeding with any cleaning or defrosting
Before proceeding with any cleaning or defrostingBefore proceeding with any cleaning or defrosting
Before proceeding with any cleaning or defrosting
operations, disconnect the appliance from theoperations, disconnect the appliance from the
operations, disconnect the appliance from theoperations, disconnect the appliance from the
operations, disconnect the appliance from the
electricity mains (by setting the appliance ON/OFF knobelectricity mains (by setting the appliance ON/OFF knob
electricity mains (by setting the appliance ON/OFF knobelectricity mains (by setting the appliance ON/OFF knob
electricity mains (by setting the appliance ON/OFF knob
“B” to the OFF position and then unplugging it). Should“B” to the OFF position and then unplugging it). Should
“B” to the OFF position and then unplugging it). Should“B” to the OFF position and then unplugging it). Should
“B” to the OFF position and then unplugging it). Should
you fail to do this, the appliance may go into alarmyou fail to do this, the appliance may go into alarm
you fail to do this, the appliance may go into alarmyou fail to do this, the appliance may go into alarm
you fail to do this, the appliance may go into alarm
mode. mode.
mode. mode.
WARNING: this alarm is not a sign of anyWARNING: this alarm is not a sign of any
WARNING: this alarm is not a sign of anyWARNING: this alarm is not a sign of any
WARNING: this alarm is not a sign of any
To return to normal operating mode, turn To return to normal operating mode, turn
To return to normal operating mode, turn To return to normal operating mode, turn
To return to normal operating mode, turn
the appliance off and back on again by turning thethe appliance off and back on again by turning the
the appliance off and back on again by turning thethe appliance off and back on again by turning the
the appliance off and back on again by turning the
appliance ON/OFF knob “B”.appliance ON/OFF knob “B”.
appliance ON/OFF knob “B”.appliance ON/OFF knob “B”.
appliance ON/OFF knob “B”.
WARNING: do not damage the refrigeration circuit.WARNING: do not damage the refrigeration circuit.
WARNING: do not damage the refrigeration circuit.WARNING: do not damage the refrigeration circuit.
WARNING: do not damage the refrigeration circuit.
Do not use mechanical devices or other tools to speedDo not use mechanical devices or other tools to speed
Do not use mechanical devices or other tools to speedDo not use mechanical devices or other tools to speed
Do not use mechanical devices or other tools to speed
up the defrosting process, unless they have been rec-up the defrosting process, unless they have been rec-
up the defrosting process, unless they have been rec-up the defrosting process, unless they have been rec-
up the defrosting process, unless they have been rec-
ommended by the manufacturer.ommended by the manufacturer.
ommended by the manufacturer.ommended by the manufacturer.
ommended by the manufacturer.
How to Defrost the RefrigeratorHow to Defrost the Refrigerator
How to Defrost the RefrigeratorHow to Defrost the Refrigerator
How to Defrost the Refrigerator
This appliance defrosts automatically, and the water is ducted
to the back of the appliance by a special outlet (fig. 6) where
the heat produced by the compressor makes it evaporate.
The only thing you must do is to periodically check and clean
the hole of the drain, which is located behind the fruit and
vegetable crisper, so that the water drains properly.
How to defrost the freezer compartmentHow to defrost the freezer compartment
How to defrost the freezer compartmentHow to defrost the freezer compartment
How to defrost the freezer compartment
- Remove the frost from time to time with the aid of the
special scraper provided (do not use knives or metal objects).
- If the frost is more than 5 mm thick, then you must defrost
the freezer completely. Proceed as follows: one day before
defrosting enable the
SUPER FREEZE function in the 24-
hour mode; it helps give the food a healthy extra "
- After 24 hours, the freezing function is automatically
disabled but you can disable it yourself.
- Turn the appliance off by turning the appliance ON/OFF
WARNING: this operation switches off the whole appliance
(including the fridge compartment).
Wrap all frozen foods in newspaper and place them either in
another refrigerator or in a cool place. Leave the door open,
so as to allow all the frost to melt completely, helping it along
with containers filled with lukewarm water.
The unit is provided with a system which allows the defrost
water to be collected in a container placed beneath the unit
(see fig. 7).
Clean and dry thoroughly before restarting the appliance.
Remember that the motor will not start immediately,Remember that the motor will not start immediately,
Remember that the motor will not start immediately,Remember that the motor will not start immediately,
Remember that the motor will not start immediately,
but after approximately 8 minutes.but after approximately 8 minutes.
but after approximately 8 minutes.but after approximately 8 minutes.
but after approximately 8 minutes.
HOLIDAY FUNCTION. Mould and bad odours formingHOLIDAY FUNCTION. Mould and bad odours forming
HOLIDAY FUNCTION. Mould and bad odours formingHOLIDAY FUNCTION. Mould and bad odours forming
HOLIDAY FUNCTION. Mould and bad odours forming
inside your unused fridge when you go on holiday needinside your unused fridge when you go on holiday need
inside your unused fridge when you go on holiday needinside your unused fridge when you go on holiday need
inside your unused fridge when you go on holiday need
no longer be a problem: just enable the Holidayno longer be a problem: just enable the Holiday
no longer be a problem: just enable the Holidayno longer be a problem: just enable the Holiday
no longer be a problem: just enable the Holiday
function (from the display). This way, with limitedfunction (from the display). This way, with limited
function (from the display). This way, with limitedfunction (from the display). This way, with limited
function (from the display). This way, with limited
energy consumption, the temperature of theenergy consumption, the temperature of the
energy consumption, the temperature of theenergy consumption, the temperature of the
energy consumption, the temperature of the
refrigerator compartment is kept atrefrigerator compartment is kept at
refrigerator compartment is kept atrefrigerator compartment is kept at
refrigerator compartment is kept at
around 12°C and the freezer is operatedaround 12°C and the freezer is operated
around 12°C and the freezer is operatedaround 12°C and the freezer is operated
around 12°C and the freezer is operated
at its minimum setting, which is essentialat its minimum setting, which is essential
at its minimum setting, which is essentialat its minimum setting, which is essential
at its minimum setting, which is essential
for food preservation.for food preservation.
for food preservation.for food preservation.
for food preservation.
Cleaning and maintenance of the partsCleaning and maintenance of the parts
Cleaning and maintenance of the partsCleaning and maintenance of the parts
Cleaning and maintenance of the parts
Before cleaning, first turn the appliance ON/OFFBefore cleaning, first turn the appliance ON/OFF
Before cleaning, first turn the appliance ON/OFFBefore cleaning, first turn the appliance ON/OFF
Before cleaning, first turn the appliance ON/OFF
knob “B” to the OFF setting; only unplug theknob “B” to the OFF setting; only unplug the
knob “B” to the OFF setting; only unplug theknob “B” to the OFF setting; only unplug the
knob “B” to the OFF setting; only unplug the
appliance once the word OFF is displayed in bothappliance once the word OFF is displayed in both
appliance once the word OFF is displayed in bothappliance once the word OFF is displayed in both
appliance once the word OFF is displayed in both
the fridge and freezer compartments.the fridge and freezer compartments.
the fridge and freezer compartments.the fridge and freezer compartments.
the fridge and freezer compartments.
- Your appliance is manufactured with hygienic, odourless
materials. To preserve these characteristics, always use sealed
containers to store foods, in order to prevent spills which
could stain and cause unpleasant, difficult to remove odours.
- Use a water and bicarbonate solution to clean the appli-
ance. Cean the interior and exterior with a sponge soaked in
warm water and a sodium bicarbonate solution, which is,
among other things, a good disinfectant. If you do not have
any in the house, you can use a neutral soap.
- DO NOT use abrasive detergents, bleach or deterents con-
taining ammonia. NEVER use solvent based products.
- All removable parts should be taken out and soaked in
warm soapy water or detergent. Rinse and dry them thor-
oughly before putting them back in the appliance.
When the appliance is not used for a long time
, remember
to clean the interior and dry thoroughly, leave the doors open
to prevent the formation of mould and unpleasant odors.
Replacing the light bulb.
The bulb for lighting the interior of
the refrigerator is located at the back of the thermostat box.
When replacing the lamp, unplug the appliance from the
electrical socket, unscrew the burned out lamp and replace
it with another with a wattage no higher than 15W.
For access ti lamp "
A", remove the centre screw "
B" at the
back of the lamp cover, as indicated in fig. 8.
Fig. 8
Fig. 7
Fig. 6