-..,.,.. _,________
aDo notleaveplasticitelnson
lefttoo closeto the vent.
oDo not leave any items on
tl~ecooktop.Thehot airfrom
theventmay igniteflammable
itemsand willincreasepressure
in closedcontainers,whichmay
causethem to burst.
~TQavoid the possibility of a
burn, always be ‘certainthat
the controls for all burners
are at tile OFF position and
2!1grates are COOIbefore
attempting to remove them.
awhen flaming foods are
under the hoody turn the fan
off.The fan,ifoperating?may
spread the flames.
~Ifrange islocated
near a
do not hang long
curtainsthat could blow over
[hetop burnersand createa
fire hazard.
oIf youRsmell gas9turn off
[he gas to the ran~eand call
a a[;lified service ~echnician.
X;vcr use an open flame to
locate a leak.
—....-..................... .
Do noteiean doorgasket.
The door gasket is essential for
a good seal. C1~.reshould be taken
not to rub, damage or move the
eDo notuse oveneleanersaNo
commercial oven cleaner or oven
liner protective coating of any
kind should be used in or around
any part of the oven.
~Don9tattempt torepair
or replacea]lypart of your
range Ilniessitisspecifically
Feeolmmellded in thisbool<e
All other servicingshouldbe
referred to a qualifiedtechnician.
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