Take particular care not to damage the innerTake particular care not to damage the inner
Take particular care not to damage the innerTake particular care not to damage the inner
Take particular care not to damage the inner
surface of the door inner glass that is coatedsurface of the door inner glass that is coated
surface of the door inner glass that is coatedsurface of the door inner glass that is coated
surface of the door inner glass that is coated
with a heat reflective layer. Do not usewith a heat reflective layer. Do not use
with a heat reflective layer. Do not usewith a heat reflective layer. Do not use
with a heat reflective layer. Do not use
scouring pads, or abrasive powder,which willscouring pads, or abrasive powder,which will
scouring pads, or abrasive powder,which willscouring pads, or abrasive powder,which will
scouring pads, or abrasive powder,which will
scratch the glass. Ensure that the glassscratch the glass. Ensure that the glass
scratch the glass. Ensure that the glassscratch the glass. Ensure that the glass
scratch the glass. Ensure that the glass
panel is not subjected to any sharppanel is not subjected to any sharp
panel is not subjected to any sharppanel is not subjected to any sharp
panel is not subjected to any sharp
mechanical blows.mechanical blows.
mechanical blows.mechanical blows.
mechanical blows.
Stubborn stains can be removed by using a fine
steel wool soap pad. For slight soiling theinner glass
panel may be cleaned, while still warm, without
removing it from the door. Aftercleaning, rinse and
dry with a soft cloth.
Cleaning the door glass is the same as theCleaning the door glass is the same as the
Cleaning the door glass is the same as theCleaning the door glass is the same as the
Cleaning the door glass is the same as the
drop down doors, except take care todrop down doors, except take care to
drop down doors, except take care todrop down doors, except take care to
drop down doors, except take care to
support the weight of the inner glass whensupport the weight of the inner glass when
support the weight of the inner glass whensupport the weight of the inner glass when
support the weight of the inner glass when
removing and refitting.removing and refitting.
removing and refitting.removing and refitting.
removing and refitting.
Remove the door inner glass as follows.Remove the door inner glass as follows.
Remove the door inner glass as follows.Remove the door inner glass as follows.
Remove the door inner glass as follows.
1. Open the door fully and remove the extrusion end
caps (This should be done by hand but if it
proves too difficult, simply lift the inner glass to
ease the end caps out of position).
NOTE: If you need to use a tool - beNOTE: If you need to use a tool - be
NOTE: If you need to use a tool - beNOTE: If you need to use a tool - be
NOTE: If you need to use a tool - be
careful not to damage the extrusion or endcareful not to damage the extrusion or end
careful not to damage the extrusion or endcareful not to damage the extrusion or end
careful not to damage the extrusion or end
2. Carefully slide the inner glass towards you
andwithdraw it from its locating slots. Ensure that
the door is not allowed to slam shut, due to the
reduction in door weight. Clean the glass as
described above.
3. The inside of the outer door glass can now be
cleaned while still fitted to the cooker.
Refit the door inner glass as follows.Refit the door inner glass as follows.
Refit the door inner glass as follows.Refit the door inner glass as follows.
Refit the door inner glass as follows.
1. Open the door fully.
2. Locate the inner door glass into its slots, so that
the printing is readable from the face nearest the
oven in the closed position and the widest black
band is towards the bottom of the door. The inner
door glass has a special reflective coating on one
side, in order to minimise surface temperatures
and energy consumption during use, it is
important it is fitted correctly.
3. Carefully slide the glass into its slots as far as it
will go and replace the end caps.
'Stay Clean' Panel
Stay Clean' panels are covered with a special enamel
which absorbs cooking soils. At higher temperatures
the soiling is slowly destroyed. In most cases normal
cooking at higher temperatures will permit this cleaning
to take place automatically. However, if higher cooking
temperatures are not used regularly then it may be
necessary, in order to prevent heavy soiling, to run the
oven at maximum temperature for at least two hours,
from time to time. The 'Stay Clean' panel can be
washed in warm soapy water followed by rinsing in
clear water. Dry well with a soft cloth.
NOTE: Do not use enzyme washing powder, harsh
abrasives or chemical oven cleaners of any kind.
Cooking Results Not Satisfactory?
Problem Check
Uneven cooking front to
Ensure that the grill pan is positioned centrally below
the grill element.
Fat splattering Ensure that the grill is not set to too high a temperature.
Oven Baking
Uneven rising of cake
Ensure that the oven shelves are level by using a spirit
level on the rod shelf and adjusting, using suitable
packing e.g. wood, under the feet of the appliance. This
should be checked both left to right and front to back.
Ensure that the food is positioned centrally in the oven.
Sinking of cakes The following may cause cakes to sink:
1. Cooking at too high a temperature.
2. Using normal creaming method with soft margarine.
Over/Under cooking
Fast/Slow cooking
Refer to the cooking times and temperatures given in
the oven temperature charts, however, it may be
necessary to increase or decrease temperatures by
10°C to suit personal taste.
Do not use utensils greater than 2Ľ ins in height.