After Sales Service
:),,~! 12on tr~~ined spc'cialists, directly employed by us, en~lIre that you can have complete confidence
in both the appliances and services we offer.
Repair Service and Information Desk
UK: 08709066066
(Ope') 13 to 8 Mon - Fri,8 to 6 Sat, 10 to 4 Sun & Bank Holidays)
VJWW. theserVicecentre.co.uk
Republic of Ireland: 1850302 lOO
Note: Our operator~ will require the following information:
Model number: [_.~
Serial number: !
Extended Warranties
UK: 08709088 088
(Open a to 8 Mon - Sun)
~~~wt heservicecent Ie co. uk
Republic of Ireland: 1850 502 200
Genuine Parts and Accessori@s
UK: 08709 077 077
(Open 8-30 to 5-30 Mon Fri & 9 to 12 Sat)
www.r heservicecentr~..~~
Republic of Ireland: (01) 842 6836
Merloni Elettrodomestici UK, Morley Way, Peterborough, PE2 9JB