Making the best use of your Fridge Freezer
Note : Always use the handle provided to open the fridge / freezer door.
To ensure that your fridge freezer operates as efficiently as possible :
Follow food packaging “best before/use by” instructions or your suppliers
advice on a suitable maximum storage time.
Keep foods tightly covered to retain moisture and prevent flavour/odour
transference. Plastic bags, aluminium foil,plastic stretch wrap and containers
with lids are ideal.
Select chilled and frozen food last when shopping,transport in a ‘cool bag’
and place in freezer as soon as possible after arriving home.
Avoid opening the doors unnecessarily or for longer than needed.
Allow hot or warm food to cool down in covered containers before placing in
the fridge or freezer,as placing hot food inside reduces efficiency.
Prepare fresh foods for freezing in small quantities to ensure that the food
freezes quickly and so that its quality does not deteriorate.
Ensure that packets/containers of food are dry before freezing otherwise
they may freeze together.
Storing Food in a Fridge
Pack and store cooked and fresh food separately.
Wrap raw or defrosting meat and poultry in polythene or foil and store
below cooked foods and dairy products to avoid contamination of dripping
food juices.
Wrap cheese in greaseproof paper and place in an airtight container or
polythene bag.
Bring to room temperature before consuming.
Empty left over canned food into a covered storage containers before
placing in the fridge.
Position food to allow cold air to circulate freely,ensuring nothing comes
into contact with the back of the fridge compartment, or covers the defrost
gutter drain hole below this.
Use the different storage zones inside your fridge compartment to store a
wide variety of food items.
Useful Advice
Zone Type Food Storage
A Cool Dairy products, Cheese,butter,margarine,
Low fat spreads,cooking fats / lards
Preserves - Jam, curd,marmalade,
spread, salad dressing or sauces.
B Colder General food storage
C Coldest Meat fish & poultry
Pre-cooked / chilled food
D Salad Bins Vegetables,fruit and salad items
(Not recommended for the storage of
bananas or onions).