the resource pool changes. For example, if you shut down non-essential VMs or add hosts to the pool,
XenServer would make a fresh attempt to restart VMs. You should be aware of the following caveats:
XenServer does not automatically stop or migrate running VMs in order to free up resources so that
VMs from a failed host can be restarted elsewhere.
If you wish to shut down a protected VM to free up resources, you must first disable its HA
protection. Unless HA is disabled, shutting down a protected VM would trigger a restart.
You can also specify the number of server failures to be tolerated.
Figure 31. Configuring resource pool HP-Boulder-IT for HA
XenCenter provides a configuration event summary under the resource pool’s Logs tab.
Following the HA configuration, you can individually tailor the settings for each VM using its
Properties tab (select PropertiesHigh Availability).
If you create additional VMs, the Configure HA can be used as a summary page for status for all high
availability VMs.