268 Goggles
User’s Guide T-Mobile G2
To get information about nearby places
Goggles offers labels for nearby places when you point the phone at
locations Goggles has information about.
1 Open Goggles.
2 Orient the screen sideways (with the shutter button to the right),
and level the camera at your surroundings.
Goggles uses your phone’s GPS receiver to determine your
location (this works best outdoors). Once it has a lock on your
location, Goggles overlays a pin icon with the number of nearby
places it has information about. As you pan left and right, labels
3 Touch a label to open a screen with more information. Or touch
the pin to view a list of all nearby places Goggles has information
To learn more about Goggles
S Press Menu and touch Help.
A screen opens with a button you can touch to browse to the
Goggles help center, for detailed information about Goggles and
its features. You can touch other buttons to review the Goggles
tutorial, and so on.