Experiencing Multimedia 207
1 Tap a property to adjust.
2 Tap to save the settings.
3 Tap to decrease the value.
4 Tap to reset all properties to their
default values.
Tap to increase the value.
6 Tap to close the submenu without
applying and saving the changes.
42 53 6
• Effect. Choose a special effect such as Grayscale, Sepia, or Negative, to
apply to your photos or video clips.
• Metering Mode. Select a metering mode to allow the camera to measure the
amount of light and calculate the best-fit exposure value before capturing.
Choose either Center Area to measure light using the center area of the
subject, or Average to measure light using the area around the subject.
• Prefix. When Default is selected as the prefix, the file name of each new
captured file is set to “IMAGE” or “VIDEO” followed by a sequential number, for
example: IMAGE_001.jpg. You may also choose to name files using either the
current Date or Date & Time as the prefix.
Note If you set the Camera to save captured photos to a storage card, the prefix
cannot be selected. Captured photos will be named using the convention
IMAGE_nnn.jpg (where ‘nnn’ is the counter) which is the DCIM (Digital Camera
Images) naming standard, and will be saved to the \DCIM\100MEDIA folder on
the storage card.
• Counter. To reset the file naming counter back to 1, tap Reset.
• Flicker Adjustment. When taking indoor shots, flicker on the camera screen
may be caused by inconsistencies between the vertical scan rate of the camera
display and the flicker frequency of fluorescent lighting. To reduce flicker, you
can change the flicker adjustment setting to Auto or to the proper frequency
(50Hz or 60Hz) of the power in the country where your device is being used.